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In celebration of International Women's Day, Pasat team members attended the roundtable discussion on Women in Maritime at University of Split - Faculty of Maritime Studies, where we met current & future female seafarers.
At the roundtable our Senior Recruiter, Ms. Sandra Viđak Vukšić, participated in discussions that focused on the opportunities & challenges faced by women in the traditionally male-dominated industry.
Along with our principals, we at Pasat look forward to continuing our efforts to promote equality and diversity in the maritime industry, and support women pursuing careers onboard.
Happy International Women's Day to all and thank you for everything you do!
#InternationalWomensDay #MaritimeIndustry 🌹
SLOBODNO RADNO MJESTO: Financijski referent
Tražimo kandidata s iskustvom za radno mjesto Financijskog referenta u našem uredu u Šibeniku. (m/ž).
Kandidat kakvog tražimo je odgovorna, organizirana i motivirana osoba koja će pridonijeti uspješnom poslovanju i razvoju tvrtke.
Opis posla i odgovornosti:
ODGOVORNOST (kome): Voditelju financijske službe
ROK PRIJAVE: do 18/11/2022
Molimo Vas pošaljite svoje zamolbe sa životopisom na mail adresu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This year, on International Day of the Seafarer (25th June), we are celebrating all seafarers and people who dedicated part of their lives to the sea. This year's IMO campaign is to share your first and last voyage experience (and pictures if you have any!). Here’s what C/E Teo Maljkovic, who climbed the ranks within Dorian from Engine Cadet to Chief Engineer, had to say:
"Dears, hope you are all well.
I started my career 8. October 2008. as Engine Cadet on DORIAN HELLAS VLGC LPG ship.
I could say that my very first voyage was that morning when I woke up to catch a plane for Kaarsto, Norway for joining the ship. OK, to be honest, I didn’t slept to much that night. Going to somewhere where I don’t know what to expect, completely new “world” to me.
My “second” first voyage was from Kaarsto to Houston over Scotland in October. What to expect (not knowing that time), continuous rolling. During first three days, I had seasick. During this period constantly was over my head, pleeeeeeeease STOP (either rolling or seasick). Therefore, since I’m writing this, looks like seasick is gone. After those three days and until now, if rolling, I only have big desire for food and that’s OK.
Today, currently I’m onboard, still on same Company, DORIAN LPG, in capacity of Chief Engineer. One thing what was really changed between my “second” first voyage and current one, is that then internet was not available onboard like today, and social networks or chatting apps were just in creation to establish good and regular touch/communication with your family, friends. Now it’s little bit simple, but only little, to be a seaman in regards of internet availability.
Have a calm seas
Best regards,
Teo Maljkovic"
This year, on International Day of the Seafarer (25th June), we are celebrating all seafarers and people who dedicated part of their lives to the sea. This year's IMO campaign is to share your first and last voyage experience (and pictures if you have any!). Here's a story from our C/E Merle Boris, describing his career from the start until today.
"September 16th, 1985.
What a day.
The day I left my home for the first time to join the vessel. Definitely one of the days that made a huge, if not the biggest change in my life.
Just turned 18 years and joined the vessel in Koper (SL) as Engine Cadet.
I don't know what shocked me more, leaving the home or arriving on board, though both feelings were not very pleasant.
The vessel name was “Pula” however it was called “Old Pula” since was already 35 years old. The age of the vessel had no meaning to me as I had no idea about anything and I didn’t know whether it was good or bad.
Four years ago, in order to be able to get the LNG licence, I had to join the vessel as 4th Engineer (due to the Matrix) and managed to complete the contract. It was quite an experience to work again as 4th Engineer but it brought me to my current position on Thenamaris LNG and Pasat shipping service ltd.
Lately, first Covid-19 followed by the war in Ukraine made the life even harder, especially for those whose families are affected by the war or Covid-19, because being separated from the loved ones and not being there when and if the help is needed is the hardest part of the seaman’s job.
Happy day of the Seafarer"
This year, on International Day of the Seafarer (25th June), we are celebrating all seafarers and people who dedicated part of their lives to the sea. This year's IMO campaign is to share your first and last voyage experience (and pictures if you have any!). Here's a beautiful story from our dear Mr. Tonci Zegarac.
"Even as a little boy born on 25.06. I dreamed of one day becoming a seafarer. Whether it was just my wish or the will of fate is a question because of the date.
From year to year my passion for large ships and handling of those sea giants only grew more and more. I viewed seafarers as the strongest people. The lifestyle they lived became my dream. There was no other choice for me anymore. And I went that route.
The Naval School only intensified my excitement towards that life that awaited me. After graduating from high school, I continued my education at the Faculty of Maritime Studies for the next five years.
In time, I start living my dreams and life the way I wanted ...
After graduating from maritime school, my education at the Faculty of Maritime Studies continued. More certain than ever, I was approaching the realization of my life dream. Sailing, which started after graduation, was the culmination of the development of a life path from a boy to a mature man who now walks safely and bravely through life and lives his dreams.
In 2010, my then and current agency, PASAT sent me onboard vessels of the company Dorian Hellas then and today Dorian LPG.
From then until today, only the name of the company I sail for has changed, but the family relationships in it have remained the same.
When I look back, after 12 years, I'm still here and I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
As ships come and go, so do our meetings and farewells, which remind us of the beautiful and sometimes sad moments of our lives. But life also consists of beautiful and sad moments, right?
All sailors know how hard it is to be separated their family for an extended period of time and not watch their child grow up. But everything is easier when you have one at home who does her part of the contract and allows you to return to a peaceful harbor.
Colleagues, happy Seafarers' Day, to you and your families who are your greatest support and the greatest strength and support through your life journey."
Tonći Žegarac
Pridruži se našem timu!
Traditionally, the sea is a male-dominated industry. Though it is still rare to find women at sea, with statistics showing that women make up only an estimated 2% of the world’s maritime workforce, things are quickly changing with more women joining seafaring and becoming valuable members of ships' crew.